Yang Ki Yin Jiu Jitsu uses the Kyu and Dan ranking system. There are 5 Kyu belts and 5 Dan belts: White (Gokyu), Yellow (Yonkyu), Green (Sankyu), 2nd Brown (Nikkyu), 1st Brown (Ikkyu), 1st Black (Shodan), 2nd Black (Nidan), 3rd Black (Sandan), 4th Black (Yondan) and 5th Black (Godan)
The kid’s class has a ranking system that is an extension of the Kyu system used in the adult class. There are added Kyu belt colors, white, yellow, orange, green, blue, 2nd brown 1st brown and each belt has various levels. Each level will be indicated by a stripe on the students’ belt.